Kamilla Løhde Dybdahl,
Research Scientist
I am Kamilla Løhde Dybdahl, a Research Scientist and part of the Team Screening research team at NMD Pharma. As part of my day-to-day role, I perform ex vivo experiments in electrophysiology, mainly drug screening, but also smaller key research projects. The rest of my time is spent on data analysis and writing reports or preparing presentations. I am also a member of the EHS (environmental health and safety) group.
Before joining NMD, I received a bachelor’s degree in molecular medicine, and subsequently a Master of Science in Engineering, biotechnology/biomedical technology, from Aarhus University. This position at NMD Pharma is my first professional role. I completed my bachelor’s thesis with Dr. Thomas Holm Pedersen, CEO of NMD Pharma, as my supervisor, which provided me with experience in muscle physiology before I joined the NMD team. Aside from that, my educational background has provided me with a very broad skillset that I use every day carrying out my diverse work tasks.
It’s not just my interest in the subject that excites me to come to work every day. I really like the diversity of the work we do day-to-day, and that a lot of what we do is explorative – I guess that’s the scientist in me talking. Biotech is so fast-paced and you need to learn as you go which means you learn a lot in a short space of time and develop your skills and responsibilities quite quickly. This is what makes the job so exciting and challenging. It is also motivating that our work might actually help people in the future and contribute to the scientific understanding of neuromuscular disease in general. The best part for me, however, is the people working here. We have a lovely open culture where we are always encouraged to ask questions and have exciting discussions, on both work and non-work-related topics.
Everyone here is very welcoming and friendly. You can always ask questions and discuss projects with colleagues. People here are passionate about the company and work hard to make it succeed. The tight-knit team means a close relationship can be developed between management, leaders and team members, and there is always room to speak your mind. Additionally, humor is a big part of our working culture and we can be rather silly at times, which I love. We are a very social team and have enjoyed many events together, both professionally and non-professionally.